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Carbon Credit Investment Partnership

Transform your investment with high environmental/social impact and scalability into projects that generate carbon credits with our zero-cost model and be a part of achieving climate goals by providing carbon credits to the market.

Carbon Credit Investment Partnership

The Carbon Credit Investment Partnership Service is a process that brings together owners of projects that reduce carbon emissions and investors who want to invest in the carbon market.

Service Details

  • Project and Carbon Credit Valuation: The project owners’ carbon reduction projects are examined in detail and the value of carbon credits that can be obtained from these projects is determined. The technical capacity, environmental benefits and long-term carbon reduction potential of the project are analyzed to make it attractive to investors. This evaluation allows investors to better understand the project and make healthier decisions.

  • Investor Network and Contact: A bridge is created between potential investors operating in the carbon market and project owners. Institutions, private sector companies or individual investors who can invest in carbon credits are brought together with project owners.

Add value to your investment in a Carbon Neutral future with Goldstein.

15,916,260 tCO2

To date, we have provided more than 16 million voluntary carbon credits in many areas.

I-REC and YEK-G Consultancy

Renewable energy certification process management

Methodology Development

Developing a “tailor-made” carbon credit methodology for specific projects

Carbon Credit Verification

Credit allocation process management for projects that can generate Carbon Credits

Carbon Credit Investment Partnership

Bringing together project owners' carbon rights with carbon market investors

Carbon Credit Accreditation

Reporting of existing “Projects” to Carbon Credit issuing organizations authorized by the United Nations

Carbon Credit Project Development

Feasibility studies and strategic carbon credit project planning of "Projects" that reduce or eliminate carbon emissions




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UNFCCC (Birleşmiş Milletler İklim Değişikliği Çerçeve Sözleşmesi)

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