I-REC and YEK-G Consultancy
Renewable energy certification process management

I-REC and YEK-G Consultancy service is a consultancy service that manages the international and local certification processes of renewable energy projects and organizes all steps of these processes professionally. Certificates such as I-REC (International Renewable Energy Certificate) and YEK-G (Renewable Energy Resource Guarantee Certificate) allow projects to prove their environmental contributions by documenting their renewable energy production. This service includes all the necessary stages for energy producers to obtain these certificates and for the certificates to gain commercial value.
Add value to your investment in a Carbon Neutral future with Goldstein.
15,916,260 tCO2
To date, we have provided more than 16 million voluntary carbon credits in many areas.
Here are the details of this service:
Project Evaluation and Preparation: In the first stage, energy producers' projects are examined and their renewable energy production capacity is analyzed in detail. This analysis is done to understand whether the project is eligible for I-REC or YEK-G certification. The current status of the project, renewable energy production potential and sustainability goals are determined.
Certification Process: The steps required for the certification process are determined with detailed planning. Technical and administrative arrangements are made to bring the project into compliance with local and international standards. The necessary documents, technical data and reports are prepared for each of the I-REC and YEK-G processes.
Carbon Credit Verification
Credit allocation process management for projects that can generate Carbon Credits
Carbon Credit Investment Partnership
Bringing together project owners' carbon rights with carbon market investors
Carbon Credit Accreditation
Reporting of existing “Projects” to Carbon Credit issuing organizations authorized by the United Nations
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